World Physical Therapy Day2020|Field Of Work|Awareness|Conception And Misconception|Conclusion


In 1996,8 September was designated  as World Physical Therapy Day. 


World Physical Therapy Day is remarked to bring out  or  generate awareness about the crucial contribution of physiotherapists make to society.The day marks the unity and solidarity of the global physiotherapy community.It is an oppurtunity to recognise the work that physiotherapists do for their patients and community.

Field Of Work

Physiotherapy is a wide-ranging profession with great oppurtunities to work in many different areas such as :

  • Cardio Pulmonary and Respitatory Physiotherapy on wards and Intensive  Care Units(ICU).

  • Neurological Physiotherapy.

  • Musculoskeletal Outpatients.

  • Orthopaedics.

  • Paediatrics.

  • Sports Physiotherapy.

  • Ergonomics.
The majority of physiotherapists work within the health system providing rehabilitation services in the above fields.Regardless of the speciality ,many of the key responsibilities are similar : physios are responsible for the diagnosis,care and management of the rehabilitataion of each patient in their care,together with other health are professionals,The physiotherapists also play a huge role in academic fields and are responsible for teaching and mentoring more junior staffs and students.

The majority of patients are reffered via different departments of the hospital,physicians,hospital consultants for outpatients,although referrals can come from other sources,eg other health professionals or the patients themselves.

The job of the Physiotherapist is to assess the patient,make diagnosis and suggest a treatment plan.The  length of the involvement can vary from  one meeting to a lengthy  processes lasting for several months or more depending on the level of complication of the condition. 

Conceptions And Misconceptions About Physiotherapy

Before going to conceptions and misconceptions about physiotherapy  lets know in brief about physiotherapy:

Physiotherapy means physiotherapeutic system of medicine which includes examination, treatment, advice and instructions to any person preparatory to or for the purpose of or in connection with movement dysfunction, bodily malfunction, physical disorder, disability, healing and pain from trauma and disease, physical and mental conditions using physical agents including exercise, mobilisation, manipulation, mechanical and electrotherapy, activity and devices or diagnosis, treatment and prevention

This profession is badly underestimated by the people in india and unfortunately by the many health professionals too.

                *Physiotherapists are not a part of Orthopaedics it is an independant body*y

One of the most common misconception about physiotherapy by the people is that they think  it is a part of orthopaedics which is completely wrong. Yes of course physiotherapy plays a vital role in orthopaedics but that does not make it a part of orthopaedics. Physiotherapists can treat all kind of patients like Orthopaedic, Neurology, Surgery, Cardiovascular Rehab, Respiratory rehab, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Geriatrics and so on. So considering physiotherapists as subordinates or assistants of orthopaedicians is an injustice with this profession.

*Physiotherapists do not need a referal *
  • One more misconception about physiotherapy is that people think that a doctor should refer them to a physiotherapist and they cannot consult a physiotherapist directly. This is completely a wrong concept. A patient can consult a physiotherapist directly and start a treatment plan without consulting a doctor, like an orthopaedic or a neurologist. A physiotherapist  can examine, access and diagnose the patient independently and plan a treatment protocol. If he or she feels that the patient needs a consultation of a surgeon or any other specialist, he refers the patient accordingly. Moreover a doctor cannot write or suggest the exercises or physiotherapy modalities to a patient as they have least knowledge of same. Physiotherapists are highly trained and qualified professionals in this field so they have to plan and advise the physiotherapy treatment of their own.

*Physiotherapy is safe and free of  side effects*
  • Physiotherapy causes weakness in patients. This is a myth. Actually patients in valley sometimes compare physiotherapy with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Due to this misconception they feel physiotherapy can result in severe weakness and hair loss in patients. Actually Physiotherapy is completely safe and free of side effects like that of medicines and surgeries. Sometimes patients fear that the currents used in physiotherapy cause general weakness and anaemia (blood loss). But the fact is that the type of currents used in physiotherapy are micro currents that are  completely therapeutic in nature with no harm effects. Only concern is that a patient should learn the exercises properly from a qualified physiotherapist and follow his treatment plan. Wrong exercises or self exercising can create a problem.

*Physiotherapy is not a part Massage*
  • One wrong concept in people is that physiotherapists do massage. This is not the truth. Massage is a job of a masseur and physiotherapists are having just the basic concept of massage therapy. In fact in many cases like post fracture stiffness, acute inflammation or myositis ossificans physiotherapists strongly discourage massage. Soft tissue manipulation techniques used by physiotherapists cannot be compared to massage given by masseurs.

*Physiotherapy clinic is not a Gym centre*
  • Some patients believe that physiotherapy clinic is just a gym centre. People particularly from rural areas many  times visit a gym centre instead of physiotherapy clinic. But one should remember physiotherapy is usually for patients and gym is for healthy people. Thought a gym trainer also teaches different exercises but therapeutic exercises are completely different and no gym trainer can teach therapeutic exercises to a patient.

*Using the title "Dr" is not important for physiotherapists*
  • Physiotherapists are not doctors. It is a matter of debate if a physiotherapist can be called a doctor or not? In many parts of world physiotherapists can use prefix “Dr” to their name and in suffix ''PT''. But in most of the countries they are not allowed to. But this does not change the definition or nature of job of a physiotherapist. They still have a right to practice independently and make his own diagnosis and treatment protocol. So prefixing “Dr” to their name doesn’t make any difference for a physiotherapist.

*Physiotherapists is not only for sports persons*
  • Some people think physiotherapy is for sports persons only, which again is not the fact. Physiotherapists can treat sports injuries the best but at the same time he can treat hundreds of different conditions in geriatrics, paediatrics, neurology etc. This misconception has arisen by seeing physios running in a sports ground to help an injured sportsperson. Commonly seen during cricket matches.

*Physiotherpy is not a painful treatment*
  • One more myth about physiotherapy is that it is a painful treatment. This is totally wrong concept. Actually physiotherapist can manage the pain related to different conditions in a patient much better then pain killers. Physiotherapist is vey well  equipped with a no of pain controlling modalities that are 100% safe. In some cases like post fracture stiffness etc there can be some pain but again it is a temporary pain which subsides soon after finishing exercise. For such conditions we say “ no pain, no gain”.

*Physiotherapy treatment  can be the first option*
  • Physiotherapy should be the last option and should be done after medicines and surgeries. But the truth is completely opposite of it. Physiotherapist should be consulted first for the best conservative treatment. Early the patient comes to a physiotherapist better are the results. And those who come late definitely take longer to recover. So physiotherapy has to be the first option not the last.

*All the health professionals have their role to play in treating the patient, team work is important*
  • It is the responsibility of the medical doctors like orthopaedic surgeons, neurologists and other medical professionals to make the patients aware about physiotherapy. They should not give a wrong feedback to patients by prescribing physiotherapy exercises or modalities like medicines or other tests. This gives patients a wrong notion about this profession. They should simply refer the patient to a physiotherapist and let the physiotherapist chart out the treatment plan of his own. This will be beneficial for the patients too. Thought team work between different medical professionals should always be encouraged but it should be in an ethical manner.

Importance of physiotherapy 

A physiotherapist is a medical professional who has the knowledge about body mechanics.If there is  any problem in the movement of  your body they can identify the root cause of it and work on the treatment process.

They have a huge role to play in both  pre-surgery as well as post-surgery.
They work on specific areas after injury, if there is any weakness and they work on strengthening process post-surgery.
Since they have a knowledge about your limitations after a surgical procedure,they carefully work on that and help you to get a successful result and recover soon.

So by consulting  a physiotherapist you can get rid of your ailments and lead a normal healthy life.


Hope this article was informative for you all readers.The main motive of this article was to create an awareness among people about physiotherapy and their role as a health care professionals in the society.

 Happy World Phyical Therapy Day to all the physiotherapy community all around the world.

Stay Healthy,Stay Safe

 The Healer Physio Team 

Thank you

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