The only six stretches you need to know to become Flexible|learn the procedure|Perform it everyday and get the result.

 Attention here!!!!

We know most of you are hunched over a  computer all day long at work place, office or even if you are working from home amidst this pandemic. And most of you  do jobs where you need to stand all day long and its normal for you all to get aches in upper and lower backs. But don't worry we have solution for your pain.

Here we are going to tell you about six stretches that you need to practice everyday to keep away your upper and lower back pain. Performing these stretches on regular basis will give your upper and lower back much needed relief.

But before performing these stretches remember flexibility plays an  integral  in:

  • Strengthening your back muscles.
  • Easing and relaxing your back muscles.
  • Improves circulation in your spine.
Now what happens when you stretch your muscle?
when you stretch your muscles, your muscles becomes strengthened ,it becomes stronger  and  prevent the pain from occurring in the future.

Six important  stretches:

  1. Hanging Stretches (Active and Passive).
  2. Trunk Rotation Stretch.
  3. Cat and Camel Stretch.
  4. Deep Squat and Stretch.
  5. Hip Flexor Stretch.
  6. Jefferson Curl.
Before performing any of these stretches you must test your flexibility, how flexible is your back currently.

Here is a simple test for you all to scan your flexibility:
  • Stand up straight.
  • Keep your feet about shoulder  width apart.
  • Keep your arm's relaxed at your side.
  • Now slowly curl your back and lower your head to the ground without bending your legs.
                                                      How far did you get?

Were you able to touch the ground  with your hands, if not its because of your weaker and tight muscles due to lack of stretch. But don't worry as you practice these stretches ,you will be able to touch the ground with no pain and become more flexible and pain free.

Now lets perform the stretches step by step:
  1. The Hanging Stretches
       There are two kinds of hanging stretches :

       *Passive hanging stretch.

       *Active hanging stretch.

What is the difference between passive and active hanging stretch?

In passive hanging stretch you let to body stretch without manipulating or forcing any movement at all.
But, in active stretch you need to manipulate your body to some extent to perform active stretch.

*Passive Hang Stretch.

  • First of all  you need a bar to hang (which can carry your body weight).
  • Stand up straight ,reach up to the bar and wrap your fingers around to get  a  good grip.
  • Now, one you get a good grip ,take your feet off the ground and just hang.
Tip: When you are hanging on the bar make sure your head is straight and your spine is aligned and do not try to do anything extra.

Benefits of  Passive Stretch:
  • It straightens your shoulder.
  • Aligns your spine.
  • Engages your quads and abs.
*Active Hanging Stretch:


  • First of all  you need a bar to hang (which can carry your body weight).
  • Stand up straight ,reach up to the bar and wrap your fingers around to get  a  good grip.
  •  Once you got a good grip and you are in hanging position  carefully tilt your head back, lift your chest up, your shoulder's back while still  keeping your arm's in a straight hanging position.
  • Hold it for 5 seconds.

Tip :Do not bend your arms keep it straight so that you do not strain any muscles.

Benefits of Active Stretch:
  • Aligns your spine.
  • Engages your gluts and hamstrings.

    2.Trunk Rotation Stretch.

  • Lie back on the floor with bent knees and feet flat on the ground.
  • Keeping the shoulders firmly on the floor, gently roll both bent knees over to one side.
  • Hold the position for 5–10 seconds.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Gently roll the bent knees over to the opposite side, hold, and then return to the starting position.

Benefits of  Trunk Rotation Stretch:
  • This stretch is great for improving the mobility of your spine.
  • It also relaxes your side trunk muscles.
3.The Camel Stretch.


  • Get onto the hands and knees with the knees hip-width apart.
  • Arch the back, pulling the bellybutton up toward the spine.
  • Slowly relax the muscles and allow the abdomen to sag toward the floor.
  • Return to the starting position.
Benefits of  Camel Stretch:
  • This exercise can help lengthen the back muscles ,make it stronger and ease the tension in the muscles.

4.Deep Squat And Reach.

  • Start in a  deep squat position  with your  butt almost touching the floor.
  • Once  you are ready, lift your one arm straight up to the ceiling, while the other arm is placed down in front.
  • Now once your hand is up in the air, turn slightly in that direction by slightly twisting your torso.
  • Hold the position for 5 seconds.
  • Repeat the same for the other side.
Tip: Don't forget to keep your back straight and your head facing ahead so that you can get a full extension of the shoulder.

Note: If you find it difficult for you to perform this stretch, hold onto a bar while squatting to get a support.

5.The Hip Flexor Stretch.

If you sit at a desk all day ,you are likely to experience lower back pain.
Sometimes the pain in your lower back is not due to your poor posture but due to the muscles strain caused by what you have been doing. When you sit at your  desk working at your office for longer period  of time, your hip muscles get tight and when you stand up this tightened hip muscles actually pull your lower back forward.

To keep your hip muscles loose perform this stretch.

  • Kneel down on a mat.
  • Take your one leg  bend forward and the other leg bent with knee  touching the floor.
  • Now lean forward with the leg in front and straighten your other leg flat against the mat behind you.
  • Hold this stretch for 10 seconds.
  • Do 5 reps.
  • Now repeat the same with other leg forward.

6.The Jefferson Curl.

  • Stand up straight with good posture.
  • Now, slowly roll downwards starting with your head then your shoulders and curl your back downwards (one vertebrae at a time).
  • After reaching the floor with your hands.
  • Hold the position for 5 seconds.
  • Now, roll  back up slowly upwards until you stand up straight.

Benefits of The Jefferson Curl:

  • This stretch is great for  your flexibility


Now we are sure after doing all these 5 stretches above for  along time, finally you will be surprised to  have done The Jefferson Curl  quiet easily, you will be able to touch your toes with your fingers now. You will be more flexible now and pain free. You need to practice it regularly because training your muscles, even while stretching takes time.

Readers hope this article is helpful for you, you all must give this stretch a try and practice it on regular basis ,hope you all will get  a fruitful result.

If you have any queries related to this post mention it in the comment section below, and  don't forget it to share with your family and friends.

Stay Healthy Stay  Safe

Thank You

The Healer Physio Team .

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