Happy World Mental Health Day 2020:What is Mental Health| Why is awareness on mental health necessary|8 ways to take care of your mental health| Conclusion


This year’s World Mental Health Day, on 10 October, comes at a time when our daily lives have changed considerably as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The past months have brought many challenges: for health-care workers, providing care in difficult circumstances, going to work fearful of bringing COVID-19 home with them; for students, adapting to taking classes from home, with little contact with teachers and friends, and anxious about their futures; for workers whose livelihoods are threatened; for the vast number of people caught in poverty or in fragile humanitarian settings with extremely limited protection from COVID-19; and for people with mental health conditions, many experiencing even greater social isolation than before.


According to World Health Organization (WHO)

''Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.''


INDIA is definitely going through a difficult time at the very moment, and awareness is essential due to situation that we would not want to face these days such as self-isolation which has led to social-distancing. Many health issues are knocking the doors of many people across the country. People who have pre-existent disorders are suffering but due to additional stressors, people who didn’t have such history are suffering too or getting prone to psychological illnesses. 


1.Build relationships.

Having good relationships with other people is the most important factor contributing to a sense of wellbeing. This can include family, friends, workmates and others in the community. Investing time and energy in your relationships can lead to great benefits for all involved.

2. Exercise and stay healthy.

''Health is Wealth''
Exercise has been shown to increase wellbeing as well as reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Good physical health is related to better mental health so a healthy diet, avoiding excess alcohol or drugs, getting a good night's sleep, and regular checkups with the doctor can all help.

3. Develop gratitude.

Count your blessings. Try keeping a gratitude journal and write down 3 positive things each day. This can lead to increased wellbeing. And make you feel happy  from within. And always be thankful for each and everything you have with you today.

4. Identify and use your strengths.

We all have different strengths and weaknesses but finding out what you are really good at and using those talents can increase wellbeing. A strengths questionnaire is available at Authentic Happiness. (It’s free, but you need to register). Using your strengths to help others or contribute to the community creates a sense of meaning and purpose.

5. Create flow.

Flow is the state of being so highly involved in an enjoyable activity that you lose track of time. This usually happens when the level of challenge is about right for your level of skill. Flow can happen during work, hobbies, creative arts or sports. Invest time on yourself, do things that make you forget everything, make an escape from the  humdrum of your life.

6. Give to others.

You never lose anything if you help or give something to needy people.
Making a contribution to the community, however small, increases social wellbeing. Many people feel a sense of contributing through meaningful work, but this could also mean volunteering, helping a neighbour  or performing small acts of kindness. Take some time to do the things you really enjoy. Pleasant events can lead to positive emotions that can cancel out negative feelings.

7. Spirituality or religion.

For some people, being involved in spiritual or religious practices can improve wellbeing, help in coping with stress and reduce symptoms of mental illness. This can include belonging to a faith community, meditation, prayer, mindfulness or practices such as yoga.

8. Seek help.

If you are struggling to feel happy, cope with everyday life, find meaning or feel connected to others, see your doctor or a mental health professional. Almost half of people will experience a mental disorder at some time in their life — depression, anxiety and substance abuse are the most common disorders.


Hope this article is helpful for you all,don't forget to share this article with your family, friends and loved ones .If you have any queries related to mental health, please don't forget it to mention it in the comments section below.

There is nothing important in life than mental health, take good care of it.

Warm wishes on World Mental Health Day.

Stay Happy Stay Healthy

Thank You

The Healer Physio Team 

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